Benjamin had a doctor appointment this morning to celebrate his 1 month birthday. Dr. Nair says that everything looks great and confirmed that he's a fantastic eater. His 1 month stats are as follows:
Weight - 11lbs. 10 ozs. (90% percentile for his age)
Height - 22 inches (75%)
Head Circumference - 15 3/4 inches (75%)
We took some pictures so we'll be able to document Benjamin's growth over the future months by comparison to Wally ...
comparison to his Benjamin chair...
...and this one was just cute!

What a month we've had. We love being parents and have loved every minute of getting to know Ben. We are thankful every day for our precious gift.
A little note that our friends Mike and Karen had their baby boy - Ben already has a friend his own age (exactly one month younger)! Congrats Mike and Karen!!