8 months down, 1 to go....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
35 weeks....

Things are progressing pretty nicely in the Kray household. A couple of highlights from the past two weeks:
- Kris' other 'moms' threw her a wonderful shower in VA. It was a great time and we got some really nice gifts that we're excited to use with the new baby.
- We had our Child/Infant CPR class, which was what you'd expect...nothing to exciting, but we now feel prepared in the very unlikely event we'll need to use the skill.
- Kris' good friend Colleen threw her a surprise shower with all of her local friends, which was the first of her showers to be a surprise. Rumor has it, she was very surprised. She loved seeing everyone and eating her favorite ice cream cake.
- We had another ultrasound (see above) to see how the baby is progressing. It's already at 7.2lbs, which is big but still in an OK range, per the doctor. Dad thinks it's good because it will be more durable upon entry to the world. Mom likes it because it justifies some of her size. The pic above totally looks just like Dad.....this is one lucky kid.
- We graduated from our child birth prep class, which may make you think that we're ready....not sure we really feel like that, but I guess there's no turning back now...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The 32nd Week...
Well, it's been quite a week for us, which is requiring a post from me instead of Nick. We are feeling like we are in the homestretch here as a lot of the last minute baby things have started.
- This past weekend, Nick's mom generously hosted a baby shower for me in CT where we had lots of fun celebrating with the Sharry clan.
- On Thursday, we had a doctor's appointment (our first of the more frequent appointments). Everything is going great with the baby and we are scheduled for another ultrasound in two weeks - the baby seems to be tracking a little large. I'm just excited to see the baby again!
- Our baby furniture was delivered (also on Thursday) so our empty yellow room is starting to feel like a home for our little one.
- Also, on Thursday (Thursday was a big day for us!) we had our first childbirth prep class where we took a tour of the labor/delivery and maternity ward at our new hospital and learned about some of the early stages of labor. We saw 6 newborn babies in the nursery - pretty soon, one of those babies will be OURS!
With all of the activities of the week, I'm getting incredibly excited and loving every day as we anticipate the baby's arrival. I'm feeling fantastic and every movement the baby makes is just awesome. It's exciting to think that in less than 7 weeks, the baby will be here!
This weekend, my "Moms" are hosting a shower for me in VA. More details/pictures to come!
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