Friday, July 24, 2009

A week in review

Wow a flurry of updates and then a major break!  We've been busy this week.  Ben and I went to VA for a night.  I took my Dad to a Nationals game for his birthday and Ben spent some time with his Aunts and Grandma.  Thankfully, the bottle issues are behind us and he did just GREAT!

This week, in addition to Gymboree and some play dates, we've been getting ready to go on our annual vacation to Wisconsin.  This is a little more complicated now with a little one.  We are supposed to leave tomorrow, pending Nick's doctor diagnosis.  He has come down with the flu so we aren't sure what we are going to do tomorrow.  Just in case we DO get to go, we won't be updating until we get home, so I figured I'd put some shots up of our little guy from the last few days.

"I sit when I play now!"

"Playing hard!"

"Look at my hair growth!"

"This is as close as I get to crawling."

"Mommy leaves the room and look how far I can go!"  (I hope the move to get over the metal bar was graceful!)

I'm a sucker for a profile shot

Sunday, July 19, 2009

7 Months....oh my!

Ben is 7 months today!  CRAZY!  He had a great night last night with just Daddy as I went to my 750 reunion at the New Jersey shore.  It sounds like the boys had a lot of fun together and I survived my first night away from my little guy.   Glad all the 750 girls are doing great!  

Some info on what Ben's doing at 7 months:
- Sitting on his own
- Rolling a ton
- Shaking, throwing, reaching for and playing with all of his toys
- Reaching to be picked up with both arms (this was one of those things I was WAITING for and sooo excited when he did it for the first time)
- Giggling when being tickled
- Beginning his own language ("Djah Djah Djah")
- Taking a bottle (finally)
- Sleeping through the night (shhh - don't jinx it!)
- Not really eating solids...but at least we are trying :)

Happy 7 months, Benny!

Ben's "new" smile!  I finally caught it on camera!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shields' visit

Ben's Godfather and family (Brian, Aimee and Dylan (19 months)) came to visit for a night this week.  Dylan enjoyed giving lots of kisses and checking out Ben's baby toys (especially the Bumble seat).

Video Chatting

Now that Ben can sit, he is enjoying some video chatting with Grandma on his own.  Ben loves to video chat with both sets of his Grandparents!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A sad day...

Please excuse the flurry of blog updates the past 4 days in a row!  I'm on a roll I guess.

Today was our last play date with Gavin (almost 6 months) and Sean (18 months) in Sean's (the Krull's) Malvern house as they are moving to Baltimore in a few weeks.  So sad!  We had to get some shots of the boys to document this momentous occasion.  Don't they look...sad?  (Barney is on behind us taking the pictures.  It's the only way to get Sean to sit still!)

Look at Ben's hand on Sean's shoulder.  So funny.  He does that a lot.  He must be going have comforting/nurturing personality.  :)

Sean showing off his belly button.

Ben saying "please don't move, Sean!!!"

And only two will remain to run PwC in Philadelphia as Sean will most likely take on Baltimore on his own instead.   They look so enthused. 

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday News!

Nick put together Ben's Jumparoo over the weekend (thanks to Ben's Aunts!) so he has yet another toy to occupy him.  He seems to really like it, but he doesn't know how to actually "jump" yet.   

So here is the real news....  drumroll please....

Ben can sit on his own!  He is so cute.  He doesn't really know that he's sitting yet and sometimes forgets and just falls over.  But he's definitely balancing better than he has been.  He's so cute!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Ben at 12 days old....

Ben at 18 days old...

Ben today (205 days!)...

What a difference! :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Morris Arboretum

We went to the Morris Arboretum in Chestnut Hill today.  It was much better than I expected and it's so close to our house!  You could really get into all the nature stuff, or just enjoy the beautiful landscapes and walking trails.  We did the latter and Ben even enjoyed eating in the rose garden and seeing some ducks in a pond.  We'd recommend it, especially for kids older than Ben who can run around and learn a little bit at the same time.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Nick's Mom's ("Mimi") birthday was a few weeks ago when we were on our cruise.  She and Don, along with Kara and Carl V (Ben's aunt and cousin), came over tonight to celebrate!  It's pretty darn cute to have these cousins who are 4 months apart in age play together!

Playing some "music" Ben-style

Saying goodnight...